Hello, everyone! Thanks for your time for read my blog. That in this blog I would like to tell you all about myself. Okkkkey!!! Here we go ....
My life is literally fantastic, but sometimes in some point it would be drop down to the bottom.
Ok, so first my name. My full name is Siti Nadya Khairunissa Alamsyah. My family and my friends usually call me Nisya. You all can call me Nisya, too. I am 14 years-old. In this November I will turning 15 years-old. Ohh, I can't wait! Okkey, past. I live in Bandung. In Bandung i live around Antapani. I was just graduated from SMPN 5 Bandung. And now, my school is in SMAN 3 Bandung.
Okeyy, so now we entering about me about myself about my life.
My first experience that I think my life was literally dramatic was when i was in the Junior High Scool. I'm not lying. Because all about the drama is so really real. When I graduated elementary school and about going to Junior High School, I was thinking to go the SWASTA . And I was in, I was come to the school, joined the MPLS, But, my parents think that I could school in Negeri. And then, they applied me into SMPN 5 Bandung. I wasn't really care if I have been accepted or not. Because my only think is that I already school in Swasta school. And unfortunetly, I cas accepted to the school. My parents had to do all they could do just to make my chose to school is change. And finally, I changed my mind. I was in there, In the big and wide basketball field. I have no one friend. I was angry to myself that why i do change my mind.
When it all start to study, in class, I dont have any friend again. And a couple weeks later, I do have friends. Not friend but friends with s. And its so fantastic. Okay, I'm not a lonelier if you think I was. I was hard to get know to each other. Because i'm shy. In class, I just do what i could do. And, it seemed that not everyone liked what i did. I didn't know the caused until right now. It just became a mystery to me. Ok, now lets go the second grade. My life started to change again in the second grade. Why? because i've got a boyfriend and friends that so many common with me. My ex-boyfriend was a new student. I didn't really remember how I got to know him. He is a basketball pl;ayer. He is good at it. I admit that. He has a nice personality that I liked. But, when I know him as a friend is different when I was his girlfriend. Ok, Skip! And after I broke up with him, I just have a good lesson, that i am not going to be selfish anymore, and accept what good for my future. And so you all must do.
OK! It wasn't really boring to hear my story, but it wasn't all story, just keeping up for the new! bye! and thanks for read my blog!
Kamis, 03 Agustus 2017
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