Why we choose "Quality Education?'
Quality education is the key that will allow many other SDG's to be achieved. When people are able to get quality education they can break form the cycle of poverty. Quality education of someone affects their own future.
So now we get into the point..
Enrollment in primary education in developing countries has been reached 91%. It is a good news for education.
There has been enormous progress in achieving primary education.There are..
1. Worldwide number of children out of school has dropped by almost half
2. A dramatic increase in literacy rates
3. Many more girls are in school than ever before
The other progress has also been seen in some developing regions who has seen an increase in the number of children out of school.
Beside the progress,we have a fact that..
Globally 6 out of 10 children and adolescents are not achieving a minimum level of proficiency in reading and math.
So what we can do?
We can ask our government to place education as a priority. We can also make or join a community as volunteer to teach children who have problem in economy for school.
has been reached
has been + verb3
has also been seen
has been + verb3
Senin, 05 November 2018
Senin, 08 Oktober 2018
Is it Youtube friendly?
Is it Youtube friendly?
Youtube is an American video-sharing website headquartered in San Bruno,California. Youtube is one of many media social that used by many Indonesian young generations. Youtube is allowing users to uploud,view, rate, share, add to favorites, report and comments on videos, and many other things. For Indonesian young generations, youtube have good and bad impact. There are many things that we don't realize how youtube affect us.
In Indonesia, there are many young youtubers from different speciality, like beauty, food, traveling, and others. Youtube can be provided as a job. Many artist are becoming a youtuber and they think that as a job. But not a few youtuber that had bad influences for our young generations. Many young viewers had seen their idol in youtube, even though they didn't know what were their seen are good or bad., especially on behavior. Many young youtubers had spoken freely, the disn't think that their words will ruined many young generations.
Youtube also can be useful for some reasons. Beside of to watch an idol or else, it also can be provided as knowleadge. Many of young generations in Indonesia had used youtube as a place for study. They believe that with their watched the videos, it will help them. For children, youtube can also be their friend, it also made their self-confidence better.
And the conclusions is that Youtube can be friendly or maybe not. Youtube is a place for creators to developed their ideas, it will help them to be better. But youtube can be unfriendly if we are not choose the right videos or creators.
Senin, 01 Oktober 2018
Invitation Letter Analysis
1. Invitee: People who get the invitation letter
2. Body of invitation:
1. Invitee: People who get the invitation letter
2. Body of invitation:
- Occasion: To Invite people to Mario and Barbara Gottuso's 40th Wedding Anniversary.
- Day or Date: Friday, 25 January 2008
- Time: 6.30 AM (in the morning)
- Place: The Golden Club of Jacksonville. 1005 Riverside Avenue - Jacksonville Florida 32204
4. Salutation : " You are invited by the children of Mario and Barbara Gottuso."
5. There is no signature
Selasa, 28 Agustus 2018
Formal Letter
Cristine Malva, M.Pd.
Professor and Chairman
Department of Urology, Faculty of Medicine, California University
21 Rose Street, Beverly Hills, California, Los Angeles, United States
Tel: (916) 554-0511
November 5th,
Nadia Satya, MD, MPH.
for Urological Research
Health Research Institute
Apple Rose, London
Dr. Alika,
California’s University professor, we are impressed by your academic
accomplishments in the field of Urology. Specifically, we are interested at
your research about da Vinci robot and da Vinci robotic prostatectomy.
cordially invite you to California University as our visiting professor in
December 2018. Our faculty are very exited about hearing your perspective on robotics
and prostate cancer, particularly with regards to your nerve-sparing and
potency preserving technique.
enthusiastically welcome you to California, Los Angeles, United States.
our warmest regards,
Malva, M.Pd.
Senin, 20 Agustus 2018
Debate 1 & 2
Debate 1 & 2
DEBATE 1 : "The house should ban cigarettes from the society."
Opening Government
DEBATE 1 : "The house should ban cigarettes from the society."
Opening Government
Cigarettes have a bad influence for health. It gave a bad inpact for our body. It's also makes other people (passive or active smoker) not health because they actually breathe with the same air (passive or active smoker).
We can do many things or any activities to relieve stress, such as singing. Even though we smoke in the private room, it still have ventilations for the air sirculation.
Opening Opposition
Cigarettes can do for a way to releiive stress. Some of people maybe like it that way. It's also a human rights for them to choose either to smoke or not. And it had been a culture for some boys, who want to be a mature, to smoke in our society. And that culture is hard to erase.
Closing Govenment
To make Indonesia and new generation heathy, We must not smoke. So we can live healthier than before.
Closing Opposition
If cigarettes stop producing, it will affect the income of Indonesia and also people who had been working there, will be jobless.
Winner Debate 1: I think the winner is the opposition. Because they are too many people who do smoke, so it has a less chance for government to erase all kinds of smoke.
DEBATE 2 : " The house ban all pornography."
Opening Government
If we watch pornography often, we will want to watch it again and again. And it will decrease our inteligent. The scientist said that the addiction to pornography more than drugs.
Opening Opposition
Freedom for sexual nights, it should be done when you are already enough age. But it also can be for education.
Closing Government
Sexual addication is different with porn content. It can usually by child which is bad. We can take another good job things.
Closing Opposition
One of the highest in the world. People will lots their job. Porn can actually make some monry before.
Winner Debate 2 : I think the winner is the government. Because there are not to many useful thing for us to watch it. Even if for education, it won't he possible for their's study.
Senin, 30 Juli 2018
Offering and Suggestion Analysis
In this blog, I will analysis my friends conversation about offering and suggestion. My friends are Sabrina Diva and Sespiana from XI Mipa 4. Before I analysis the conversation, I will write the conversation below, after that, I will write the analysis.
My friends had already chosen the topic for their conversation, the topic is about choosing a major at the college. And this was the conversation :
Sabrina : " Hai,Sespi."
Sespi : " Hai, Sab. Why you look sad?"
Sabrina : " I'm confused."
Sespi : " Confused about what? Boyfriend huh? :)"
Sabrina : " Hahaha. Of course not. I'm confused about what major I will choose during that college."
Sespi : " What kind of lesson do you like?"
Sabrina : " I like art culture and also mathematics."
Sespi : " Hmm, How about architecht?"
Sabrina : " At first, I insisted to choose architecht too, but my mom told me to choose a bussiness."
Sespi : " I think you should choose the major according to the lesson that you like. Because you like enjoying."
Sabrina : " Oh my god, Sespi! You're so genius! Okay, I agree with you. But by the way Ses, What major will you choose?"
Sespi : " I want to choose a medical department in UNPAD."
Sabrina : " Wow..."
Sespi : " In your opinion, what type of doctor is suitable for me?"
Sabrina : " Hmm.., I think you should choose a love doctor. So, if I broken heart, you can heal it. Hahaha.."
Sespi : "Hahaha... I'm serious, Sab."
Sabrina : " Okay, okay. I think you should choose a pediatrician because you like children."
Sespi : " Okayy, thank you for your opinion."
Sabrina : " Yaa.."
So these are the conversation, and now let's begin to analysis:
1. First, I will analysis about the offering and suggestion.
I think that they had already presented good enough for offering and suggestion. The conversation are when Sespi offered Sabrina to choose architect and she also gave Sabrina suggestioned about choosing the major (the blue line). Sabrina also gave Sespi a suggestioned. Sabrina told Sespi that she should become a pediatrician because she liked children (the green line).
2. Now, I will analysis about the grammar that they used. (red line)
I think that their grammar are already good. It's just a little bit wrong when Sabrina said ,"..what major I will choose during that college." , It should be better if she said , ".. what major will I choose later in college.". And also when Sespi said , "Because you like enjoying.", It also much better if she said, " Because you like to enjoy that lessons."
I think that's it for the analysis. Thank you for reading this blog and I'm sorry if my analysis is wrong.
Date : Wednesday, 25 July 2018
Senin, 23 Juli 2018
Conversation about the additional subject
Conversation about choosing the additional subject.
This conversation were between me and my chairmate in class, Syifa Indira.
After 1 month school break, me and all my friends are going to be a second grade in the High school. We are going to be in one class again because the class will always be the same for 3 years in High school.
There is a different between first grade and the second grade, the different is that in the first grade, we won't be able to choose our additional subject because they all had to be learned at that time, however in the second grade, we must choose our additional subject between Economic and Germany.
Syifa : " Uhhh.. It's so hard to decide the subject that I willl choose!"
Nisya : " Hmm.. I think it depens on you."
syifa : " But how?"
Nisya : " Which one do you like? Economic or Germany?"
Syifa : " Hmm.. Let me think. Actually I prefer Germany than Economic."
Nisya : " So, what do you worry about?"
Syifa : " I asked some people and most of them choose Economic."
Nisya : " Oh, so that is the problem."
Syifa : " To be honest, I enjoy to learn both of them."
Nisya : " Don't be affected by others."
Syifa : " Of course.. It's just a consideration. But Nisya, actually I haven't ask you yet, right?"
Nisya : " Hahaha right!"
Syifa : " So what subject do you choose?'
Nisya : " I choose Economic."
Syifa : " And the reason?"
Nisya : " Because I think it will be useful for me and I like subject that relate to counting too..."
Syifa : " Hmmm great, I think I have decide."
Nisya : "" Sooo..?"
Syifa : " I think I'm going to choose Germany because I like to learn language and I love the accent tho. "
Nisya : " That's great!"
Syifa : " Thanks Nisya for helping me."
Nisya : " Your welcome, it is nice to helping you, Syif."
This conversation were between me and my chairmate in class, Syifa Indira.
After 1 month school break, me and all my friends are going to be a second grade in the High school. We are going to be in one class again because the class will always be the same for 3 years in High school.
There is a different between first grade and the second grade, the different is that in the first grade, we won't be able to choose our additional subject because they all had to be learned at that time, however in the second grade, we must choose our additional subject between Economic and Germany.
Syifa : " Uhhh.. It's so hard to decide the subject that I willl choose!"
Nisya : " Hmm.. I think it depens on you."
syifa : " But how?"
Nisya : " Which one do you like? Economic or Germany?"
Syifa : " Hmm.. Let me think. Actually I prefer Germany than Economic."
Nisya : " So, what do you worry about?"
Syifa : " I asked some people and most of them choose Economic."
Nisya : " Oh, so that is the problem."
Syifa : " To be honest, I enjoy to learn both of them."
Nisya : " Don't be affected by others."
Syifa : " Of course.. It's just a consideration. But Nisya, actually I haven't ask you yet, right?"
Nisya : " Hahaha right!"
Syifa : " So what subject do you choose?'
Nisya : " I choose Economic."
Syifa : " And the reason?"
Nisya : " Because I think it will be useful for me and I like subject that relate to counting too..."
Syifa : " Hmmm great, I think I have decide."
Nisya : "" Sooo..?"
Syifa : " I think I'm going to choose Germany because I like to learn language and I love the accent tho. "
Nisya : " That's great!"
Syifa : " Thanks Nisya for helping me."
Nisya : " Your welcome, it is nice to helping you, Syif."
Sabtu, 14 April 2018
Edu Passion 2018
Heyy guys!! So as you can see , I just uploded some video that made by me and my friends (M. Ridwan, R.R. Athaya Zahira, Syifa Indira, and Yusuf Farhan) . So this is a vlog about Edu Pashion 2018. Edu pashion is an event that held by my school. This event is help anyone who wants to take a next step of their education after high school. So,If you curious more about that just watch the video!!
Happy watching!!
Rabu, 07 Maret 2018
Elements of the Announcement
Found/Not Found
Georgetown” or the title of the announcement
information and also the introduction about the new store, Ludlow Suit Shop,that they have been upgraded from the old store, J.Crew Store.. It tells about what kind of shop that do they sell and when will
they open.
about the current location of the old store and the website of the store. And
they are hiring someone and someone that who are interest can email the store.
Elements of
the Announcement
The title of the announcement or the
idea of what they are going to say about.
(Fund by the
European Commission)
announcement, it tells about WHO that requests a proposal for the researchers
and institutions that will be evaluated through a review process. This
proposal is based on ongoing outbreaks of H5N1 Avian Influenza in Indonesia.
Because since August 2003, more than 10 million livestock have been affected.
more detailed information such as assessment
process, assessment criteria and deadline of proposal submission we can check
them at WHO
Indonesia Country Office Website.
Elements of
the Announcement
Found/Not Found
are announce that they already expanded their store from the old store.
about the new address for the new store, NeoSys Computer Store. As the old store
become NeoSys Service Center with the same address also the phone number.
more update or information, we can contact them in 089922376549837 or can
check out the website.
Elements of the Announcement
Found/Not Found
Not Found
about starting 1st
January 2018,
They are going to open branches in several big cities including Medan,
Denpasar, Lombok, and Makassar. It is to
allow their administrative business to be conducted in regional location.
They hope what
they are going to do will be able to meet closely with customers and stores
may have more effective manner.
True. The title of the text is a notice but the content is an announcement.
False. Because it is an invitation.
True. It also can be for an invitation, but for public.
Main Idea
Text 1
Informing the people of Georgetown about the opening of a Suit Shop in
a new venue.
The announcement came from J.Crew Store
The opening will be in April, 2013
The shop will offer more of men’s and women’s, weddings and parties
Text 2
Informing for readers that WHO Indonesia requests for a proposal.
The announcement came from WHO Indonesia.
The announcement is for the readers and also for the researchers.
This announcement were based on the truth about Indonesia that have had
a significant inpact from H5N1 Avian Influenza.
Since August 2003, more than 10 million livestock have been affected.
Text 3
Informing the customers about the new address of the new store and the
old store.
The announcement came from NeoSys Store.
The announcement is for the subscribers and the new comer.
There are 2 kinds of NeoSys Store , it is :
NeoSys Computer Service
that located in JL. Melati Utara No. 14
NeoSys Service Centre that
located in the old address.
The phone number are still the same and also the website ; 089922376549837
or www.neosyscom.co.id
Text 4
Informing customers about opening the new branches of their stores in the
several big cities.
The announcement came from the main store.
This announcement is for the customers that already know and also to
the new customers.
They are opening the new branches starting at the beginning of January
They will be open in Medan, Denpasar, Lombok, and Makassar.
They’re hope that what they are trying to do is going to make
customers meet closely with them are going well.
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