Rabu, 24 Januari 2018

Koala's life


Now, I will tell you guys about this famous animal. You all must know about this animal. But, are you sure know it correctly? But it’s okay, because now I will tell you guys further about Koala.

The first thing that you must know is the classification of Koala. Why? Because if we know exactly about the classification then we will gonna find out something interesting there.

-         - Koala's Classification -

  • Phacolarctos’ comes from 2 Greek words: ‘phaskolos’ meaning pouch, and ‘arktos’ meaning bear. Cinereus means ash-coloured (grey). Why did they call bear? Because back in 200 years ago, European scientist declared that the closest mammals they could relate the Koala to at that time were bears.
  • There are the classification of Koala but that you all must have to know are the SUB -SPECIES.
  • There is some difference of opinion amongst the scientific community about whether there are two or three sub-species (or 'races') of Koalas, or if there are any sub-species at all. 
  • The sub-species are generally named : 
1.     Phascolarctos cinereus adustus from northern Queensland
2.     Phascolarctos cinereus cinereus from New South Wales
3.      Phascolarctos cinereus victor from Victoria
  • They all are based on differing physical characteristics.
So now we entering the Character, Skills, and also the uniques that Koala had in their whole life. 

- Koala's Character-

  • As you know, there are three type of Koala. So, they must have their own character.
  • The main differences are that Koalas in the south are quite a bit larger than those in the north and they also have thicker, fluffier, often darker and sometimes brownish fur. They have most likely evolved or adapted in this way because the winters in the south are colder than in the north. The Koalas in between fall somewhere in between these two different sets of characteristics. The distribution of the three sub-species has not yet been defined but has been delineated by the state boundaries. 
  • But, mainly they have soft, wool-like fur that is gray above and white below. Their fur is mostly white on the underside below the neck, and their ears have long white hairs on the tips. They resembles a bear, but is actually a marsupial, a special kind of mammal which carries its young in a pouch.
- Koala's Skills-

  • Koalas have special physical characteristics that complement their tree-dwelling lifestyle. With two opposable digits, their forepaws are well-adapted to gripping branches and picking eucalyptus leaves, their main form of nourishment. Tough textured skin on the soles of their feet along with long sharp claws provide traction, and strong thigh muscles aid in climbing. Extra thick fur on their bottoms and a cartilaginous pad at the base of their spines provide cushioning so koalas can sit comfortably on branches for hours. They also have a curved backbone and two fewer pairs of ribs than most mammals (11 instead of 13) creating a curled skeletal structure that fits well into the forks of trees.
  • In order to survive on such a low calorie diet, they conserve energy by moving slowly and sleeping around 20 hours a day. Koalas define their territories by making scratch marks on trees; males also secrete a sticky brown substance from a scent gland in their chests that they rub on the bark.
-Koalas's uniques-
  • There is a myth that Koalas sleep a lot because they ‘get drunk’ on gumleaves. Fortunately, this is not correct! Most of their time is spent sleeping because it requires a lot of energy to digest their toxic, fibrous, low-nutrition diet and sleeping is the best way to conserve energy.
  • An adult Koala eats about half a kilogram to one kilogram of leaves each night, depending on many factors, including the size and sex of the koala and where the Koala lives.
  • The koala cub stays in the mother's pouch for 5 months ,They also cub is blind when it's born. Koalas breed in the summer. They live for 20 or more years. and Koala can run as fast as a rabbit. 
- Koala's life cycle-

  • The breeding season for Koalas is approximately August to February. This is a time of increased amovement for Koalas, with sound levels increasing as males bellow more frequently. 
  • Females generally start breeding at about three or four years of age, usually producing one offspring each year. However, not all females in a wild population will breed each year; some produce offspring only every two or three years, depending on factors such as age and habitat quality. In the average female's 12-year life span, she may produce five or six offspring over her lifetime.
  • Once conceived, it is only 35 days before the birth of the baby Koala, called a "joey". The newborn is tiny (at roughly 2 centimetres long and less than 1 gram in weight), and looks like a pink jellybean; totally hairless, blind, with no ears. (first picture : newborn Koala).
  • The joey makes its way from the birth canal to the pouch completely unaided, relying on its already well-developed senses of smell and touch, strong forelimbs and claws and innate sense of direction.The young Koala only drinks its mother's milk for the first six to seven months and remains in the pouch for that time, slowly growing and developing eyes, ears and fur. At about 22 weeks, its eyes open and it begins to peep out of the pouch. From about 22 to 30 weeks, it begins to feed upon a substance called "pap". (second picture : "Joey" Koala).
  • As soon as it begins its diet of gumleaves, the young Koala grows at a much faster rate, becoming more adventurous as it grows bigger and stronger. At first, the young Koala cuddles into its mother’s belly for warmth and shelter but also rides on its mother’s back. Eventually, the young Koala will begin to make short trips away from its mother. From 12 months onwards, Koala joeys leave their mothers to find their own home ranges. That’s when life gets harder for young Koalas because they have to find their own territory -- somewhere with the right tree species with tasty gumleaves to eat and somewhere near to other Koalas. (Third picture : adult Koala).
- Questions-
1. Why koalas are called " Koala Bear" ?
 a. Because Koala is liked a bear
 b. Because Koala likes bear
 c. Because in 200 years ago, Bear are the closest mammals they could relate the Koala
 d. Because Koala looked alike Bear
 e. Because Koala eat like Bear
2. Why koalas in the south have more fur than in the north?
 a. Because in the south is colder than in the north.
 b. Because in the south is warmer than in the north.
 c. Because in the north is more colder.
 d. Because in the south the air is cool.
 e. Because in the north the air is cool.

3. Where does Phacolarctos’ word come from?
 a. France
 b. Egypt
 c. Greek
 d. Arab
 e. Italy

4. What does Phacolarctos’ mean?
 a. Koala
 b. Koala Bear
 c. Koala Bears
 d. Grey koala
 e. Pouch Koala

5. What do we call the baby koala?
 a. David
 b. Laras
 c. Joy
 d. jelly
 e. Joey

So, it was all about it. Thank you for visiting my blog :) I hope that , this information would be helpful for you guys!

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