Senin, 25 Februari 2019

Bakti Desa 2019

Bakti Desa or we usually called Bakdes is an annual event for 11th grader in SMAN 3 Bandung. The purpose of Bakdes are to socialize and get to know all situations in all conditions.

This year,2019, is my year to become part of the Bakti Desa Program. This event held on 3rd until 5th January 2019. This event located in Cibereum village. Each class has their own spot that they will stayed in.  My class stayed three days in RT 02 RW 11 kec. Kertasari, Bandung, Jawa Barat. My foster parents are Mrs.Tika and Mr.Ade. In the Mrs. Tika and Mr. Ade house, I stayed with my two friends and one teacher. 

First Day : 3 January 2019

Early in the morning, around 5-6 am , all 11th grader gather in the school hall while carrying all stuffs for Bakdes such as clothes, foods, and other. After briefieng, around 7.30 am, all 11th grader went to Cibereum village with angkot. Around 11.30 am , we arrived at Cibereum Village. After that, we had given a welcoming from the head of the village. After that, we went to the house where thr parents foster lived. In the rest of the day, we just stayed around the house to get to known each other more.

Second Day : 4 January 2019

On the second day,  we had a breakfast in our foster parent’s house. After we had a breakfast, me and my other roomates had a littlle streching at the back of the house. All of my class gathered around the field at the back of my foster parent’s house because we want to played with kids that lived their and also wanted to help people their with their work. We went to the potatoes garden, and we also had been taught how to plant potatoes.

Last Day : 5 January 2019

On the last day, we visited Situ Cisanti. After that, we packed our stuffs for back to Bandung. Around  11 am we back to Balai Desa to get to the closing ceremony of Bakti Desa Activities. After that we wnt back to Bandung.

Aspiration Day

Aspiration Day!! Aspiration Day is an annual event in SMA Negeri 3 Bandung. The goals of this event that to make the school better. So, th...